Nous souhaitons un heureux anniversaire à Joe PENNY,que nous allons fêter à Paris durant ce week-end.

Il est temps de révèler la surprise qui sera remise à chacune des participantes lors de nos premières journées consacrées à Joe PENNY et sa carrière.
Lorsque nous avons envisagé d'organiser cette rencontre joepennyenne, nous en avons informé PL.
Et elle en a parlé à Joe Penny car, grande fut notre surprise en recevant la photo de Joe et la carte de PL.
Notre émotion étant à la mesure de notre étonnement et nous sommes restées saisies de plaisir.
Pour nous c'est la récompense de plusieurs années d'admiration, de patience malgré quelques esprits chagrins qui ont pu parfois semer le doute sur le sérieux de nos sites parce que "français".
Lorsque vous découvrirez cette page, nous serons en route pour Paris.
Il nous tarde de rencontrer les personnes qui ont pu s'inscrire et avec qui nous sommes convaincues que nous passerons un week-end inoubliable, dont nous vous relaterons le déroulement à notre retour.
Nous remercions les webmasters des sites amis qui ont relayé notre action et c'est avec beaucoup de regret que nous déplorons que certaines n'aient pu participer pour des questions d'emploi du temps les rendant indisponibles pour ces journées, ce que nous comprenons.
Au nom de nos amies, nous remercions ici, Joe PENNY et PL pour leur gentillesse et leur générosité.
Ci-joints les courriers que nous avons échangés avec PL :
-----Original Message-----
From: ytz.joepenny
To: trigger2
Sent: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 9:14 am
Subject: from Marie-Ange (France)
Hello P L
I know you are busy, so I rarely write in order not to disturb you.
I hear from you thanks to Ginette.
I guess she told you that we organize a meeting between the fans of Penny in
you (and Joe Penny) are welcome, of course ...
but I know it is not possible, unfortunately.
Could you tell me what the name of cake that Joe Penny loves?
Or if it is with Chocolate, strawberry, vanilla or other?
I hope everything is nice for you and family.
Take care
----- De: trigger2xxxx À: ytz.joeppeny Envoyé: Jeudi 15 Avril 2010 07h14:21 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne / Rome / Stockholm / Vienne Objet: Re: from Marie-Ange (France) bonjour Marie-Ange i hope you are well in your spring season? i love spring, fall, and summber but little love for winter. anyway, i won't ramble on. i think this idea you and Ginette have is tres magnifique! and i wish i could, i shall travel by pixie dust and magic .. . .you'll have to take lots of pictures. it sounds fun and such a compliment for a group to gather to celebrate Mr. Penny so. it is too bad you could not be here for this signing, with all 3 of the boys from riptide there it should be a very big show. as far as cake goes he loves, carrot (which i will include my grandmother's recipe for which i baked for Mr. Penny for Easter), he also loves german chocolate, and he ADORES what we call here boston creme filled donuts, perhaps equal to eclair for you, but there i'm sure you have most wonderful pattisserie's? non! boulangerie? non? well you have much better pastry shops than here i am quite sure and would i love to bite in to a fresh french baked pastry and celebrating Mr. Penny with you. cheers! have a wonderful time, i look forward to hearing about it. anyway, to clarify i was saying Mr. Penny adores these donuts stuffed with the boston cream and chocolate frosting on top! a bit heavier in the pastry dept. compared to your town but hopefully those choices will give you options. aloha & namaste P.L. Grandmother's Carrot Cake (from a small town in Kansas) 3 cups flour 2 cups sugar 1 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 2 teaspoons cinammon 1 tsp salt 1 1/2 cups canola oil 2 tsp natural vanilla 3 eggs 12 ounce can crushed pineapple (with juice - add a little extra flour if too runny) 2 cups finely grated carrots bake at 350 45-50 min, fork test, spring back, lightly golden add cream cheese frosting. well, good luck with everything
From: Ginette Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 7:07 PM To: PL Subject: réunion à Paris.
Dear PL
I hope that you will. You are in work, then I do not me Senate. We'll talk about later.
I want to inform you that Marie-Ange and I organize a meeting fans of Mr Penny, 26 and 27 June in Paris.
We have done posters that we have placed on our sites that fit the fans that are interested. We are pleased to organize this small event. We don't know yet how many people will come.
I give you the link to our site if you want to see our "advertising".
I think you and thank you for your great kindness.
The best for you and Mr Penny.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ginette
To: PL <Triggerxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 5:50 am
Dear PL
I believe that blessed days ago and today is particularly blessed day because I received your submission and the surprise I have discovered. How do say you thank you? How to say once again to Mr Penny our admiration for his kindness, his generosity. I sent this to Marie-Ange (we live more than 1300 kilometres of the other, it to the southeast of France and me to Northwest).
We are preparing our meeting and provide a schedule to make this successful.
The gift that is Mr Penny to all fans to participate, will be surprised that we convey the day D.
I'll make this wonderful picture and your dear PL card draw and I do a packaging custom for each participating fans. I believe that this will be a great moment of emotion for each.
In a few days, we will publish a comprehensive newsletter on our sites, so each is fully apprised of what will happen. Marie-Ange wrote this morning to give me his initial ideas.
Some people have already registered, we have kept our hotel rooms, but we don't know yet how we. I am sure it will be very good and successful.
I bought a small camcorder for pictures and videos so you see this when the time comes.
I've seen pictures of Joe Penny, Perry King and Tom Bray at the Hollywood Show participation. I did a little show that I've downloaded on my site. It is a great pleasure to review all all three. I am sure that they have had great success in this event.
If producers and directors could have the beautiful idea together again ! There was such complicity between them, in episodes of RIPTIDE. I know that it does not repeated what was because must always move forward.
Now, I think that you prepare the shoot for the troops on August 21. I imagine that this represents work and preparations for you.
The weather is back on my region. It is a sunny and beautiful blue sky. Aloha which took 9 months on 26 April, is lying on my desktop, under window and the Sun conducts its rays on him. Aloha is a big lazy but so affectionate.
I you join a basket of lily of the Valley to wish you a good 1 may, labour day but also celebrates this lovely flower is Lily of the the Valley, considered a lucky in my country.
Dear PL, I say thank you from the bottom of the heart that I ask you to share with Mr Penny.
My sincere friendship and the best for you.
Aloha & Namaste
From: PL triggerxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 10:39 PM
Subject: Re: NEW AUCTION
My dear cherie,
i am so sorry! i have been meaning to write you for weeks . . . .i cannot tell you the insanity of my life of the moment, at this moment . . . but i did receive your package, i cried tears of joy and felt your kindred spirit right beside me - i will also elaborate on that later . . .just got home from day job, gonna get some lunch, then check over ebay stuff. little different this time because of time constraints and more demands on me in my day job. i just didn't have time to write to anyone. i would like to attempt to contact each individual but getting more and more difficult. setting up single page for announcements only . . . no time on when that will get done either. please be patient and i shall write to you more in a little bit, i'm exhausted and just need to catch up to myself, i'm about 45 minutes behind myself i think! LOL!!! you are a magnificent woman of graciousness.
i was overcome by your book . . . .i'll write more later : )
aloha & namaste